Our Match Makes Your Solution



P.A. Agency
offers a custom
fit in Personal Assistance


If you’re a businessperson, CEO, start-up manager or company executive and you want to focus totally on your challenges and objectives, then P.A. Agency offers you the solution to all your professional questions.

We recruit the ideal Personal Assistant for you, who matches your profile and business culture just like Yoko with John or Watson with Holmes. In addition to recruiting your P.A., our team is also at the ready for you 86,400 seconds of every day to provide solutions for the most pressing/urgent, peculiar/unusual, and pernicious/unfathomable of problems.

What you regard as “last-minute” is for us a whole 60 seconds of time to get things right for you after all.


‘Even if it had to be done
by yesterday, it can still be done today.’

— Hanan Belaraj